News and Announcements

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Young Adults – Upcoming Activities

See Kaytlyn for details or more information on any of the following:

  • Archery Outing – Saturday, Oct. 19, 9-10:30am at Diablo Bowmen Archery Club - Clayton
  • Halloween party – Thursday, Oct. 31, 6pm  in the parish hall
  • Nov. 8-9 – Corner Café volunteers needed

Corner Café – Thurs., 11/7 – Sat., 11/9

Once again, the Young Adult Group and WoHC are teaming up for our annual Corner Café.  We are in need of donations and assistance.  Please see the signup sheets posted in the parish hall for details.  Non-perishable items can be brought in any time before Nov. 6th (please label “For Corner Café"), and perishable items by noon on Nov. 7th.  Please see Kaytlyn or Sandy with any questions.  We appreciate your assistance!

WoHC Crafts & Fellowship – Sat, Oct. 26, 1-3pm

Ladies, here is your opportunity to continue the project you are working on!  Our next craft & fellowship day is Oct. 26, from 1-3pm at Dana’s home.  Dana will provide refreshments.  Please sign up in the parish hall so she will know how many to expect.

October 19 – Holy Cross Oktoberfest

We will once again be hosting our annual Oktoberfest in the parish hall on Saturday, October 19 beginning at 4pm.  See flyer below for details.  Separate sign-up sheets are posted in the parish hall for attendees and food items needed.

Men’s Formation – Thursday, Oct. 17

A reminder to all men that mandatory formation will be held at 0900 on Thursday, 17 October, at Huckleberry’s.

Altar Guild Meeting - Sat, Oct. 12 – 9:30am

We’ll meet in the parish hall to plan for the upcoming Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas seasons.  We are in need of additional members, so all are welcome!  See Andrea for additional information.

WoHC Fall Gathering

WoHC will meet on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2-4pm in the parish hall.  We will have a short Bible Study, finish making cards for our Card Ministry, and enjoy an ice cream/cookie treat.  Sign up coming soon. 

ALL women are invited – bring a friend!

Note:  This is a 3rd Thursday, so this event will take the place of our usual Mexican Train gathering.
